Showcasing local and independent businesses

in and around Swansea

We love Swansea and we love local!

Welcome to We are your Local, where we celebrate all local and independent businesses in around the Swansea Bay area.
Our mission is to connect you with the unique and extraordinary businesses that make your neighbourhood special.

From charming coffee shops to talented tradespeople, from eclectic boutiques to hidden holiday gems, Swansea has them all.

At We are Your Local we are passionate about supporting as many local and independent businesses as we can. We believe that spending your hard-earned money locally is the best way to do that.

By choosing local independent businesses, you’re not only supporting your community, and keeping your money in your local economy, but you’re also discovering something truly special – the passion and determination of a local business owner.

But we’re not just about transactions – we’re about building connections and fostering a sense of community.
By supporting local independent businesses, you’re helping to strengthen the local economy and supporting the livelihoods of the people behind these businesses.

Join us in celebrating the diversity and creativity of local independent businesses in and around Swansea.